Get sources using the following command
svn co<project>/trunk
where <project> is: gateway, sqlbox or opensmppbox.
Once you have the kannel source, navigate to source directory which typically is
Here you can compile kannel wtih mysql support or without mysql.
Install Kannel Without Mysql Support
./configure --enable-start-stop-daemon # make # make install
Install Kannel With Mysql Support
./configure --with-mysql --enable-start-stop-daemon # make # make install
Once you have installed kannel you can locate the install directory by using following on
whereis bearerbox bearerbox: /usr/local/sbin/bearerbox whereis smsbox smsbox: /usr/local/sbin/smsbox
If you face any issue in installation, please leave comments.
Appreciated for the article , it help me too much .
Im struggling to get opensmppbox working – I have this error which is pretty self explanatory:
DLR: storage type ‘mysql’ is not supported!
Howwver, I have compiled with MySql option and Bearerbox/Smsbox both state compiled with MySql 5.5 support, I wondered if you have seen this before?
how to create database for dlr and receiving sms from kannel?
#Note you must firt update the libxml2
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache search libxml
apt-cache search libxml | grep dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
apt-cache show libxml2-dev
#Make sure you install mysql client support (error:mysql.h cannot be found)
sudo apt-get install libmysqld-dev
#install kannel with mysql support
./configure –enable-start-stop-daemon
#make install
after make and sudo make install command
i am not found anything installed in /usr/local/sbin folder (It is empty)
Bearerbox and smsbox is not found
please help me to figure out the issue
how to check Kannel service is running or not ?